1. 4 Fam Fort Greene
Deed acquisition from owner with bad tenants, foreclosure problems, wrecked credit, etc. Helped with mortgage resolution, bad tenant eviction, light renovation, resurfacing brownstone front wall finish, new appliances, upgraded kitchens and bathrooms, some upgraded plumbing and electric. Fully occupied

4. Miami Condo
Acquisition of a luxury condo in downtown Miami across the street from American Airlines Arena. Stunning new construction one bedroom one bath condo.
Fully occupied

3. 3 Fam Yonkers
Short sale purchase from owner underwater with mortgage. Full gut renovation, garbage clean, out, basement and 3 floor full renovation, oil to gas conversion, new flooring, appliances, windows, walls, kitchens, and bathrooms, roofing, back wall seal, new concrete pavement and gate in backyard. Fully occupied

2. 4 Fam Crown Heights
Purchased FSBO from inheritance. Full gut renovation, garbage clean out, basement dig down and renovation for owner duplex, new electrical, plumbing, some windows, door entrance and lobby, backyard landscaping and patio, new appliances, HVAC install and boiler install, front and back masonry stairs, garbage wall.
Fully occupied